Sunday, June 6, 2010


Heart beat can produce electricity - Nanogenerator

  • Sunday, June 6, 2010
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  • Yes its true!!! ,a research team from Georgia Tech, led by Professor Zhong Lin Wang, have developed nanogenerator which can be in a body and power medical implants. It uses piezoelectric effect to generate electrical current.

    The tiny nanowire is used and when it is squeezed by your muscles when you breath or your heart beats the piezoelectric effect to generate electrical
    current .

    Wang and his team successfully implanted the nanogenerator on the diaphragm and in the heart of a rat. The power generated by that single nanowire generator is far too small to be useful, but the researchers are hard at work on a one that incorporates hundreds of nanowires, still small enough to be unobtrusively installed, but potentially powerful enough for tiny sensors and monitors. Though it's currently little more than a fascinating proof of concept, Professor Wang told Technology Review, "Our ultimate goal is to make self-powered nano devices for medical applications."

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